Thursday, August 2, 2012


As painful as it was, I stepped on the scale this morning. I knew I had put some of my weight back on. With the excitement of turning 21 and my month long celebration, I put on 13 lbs back on. While I have been saying I need to get back on track, nothing was definite until I got on the scale and physically saw my weight and faced the truth. It is better to confront your problems in the face than ignore them until they sneak up behind you and put you back to square one. Putting on the weight is very frustrating. I Didn't want to share it with my self let alone my blog, but I feel it is absolutely necessary if I am to continue my journey and reach my goal weight. This is only I minor set back. I have printed out my nutrition plan and I am ready to work hard. This next week or so will be hard to detox from the horrible food that I put in my body. But I've done it before and I know I can get through it.

Moral is, confront your demons and take accountability! That is the first step in getting back to it.